Mitigating and Preparing for Extreme Heat
Learn more about the impacts of extreme heat on communities and the actions that can be taken to prepare for it.
RAPIDO Recovery Housing Program
RAPIDO Recovery Housing Program responds to long-term disaster recovery using a bottom-up, community-based approach centered on the families it intends to support.
Community Land Trusts as Resilience
This resource provides an overview of community land trusts, which are non-profit organizations that acquire housing and land to ensure they remain permanently affordable.
Stafford Act and How We Handle Disasters
The Stafford Act is the primary guidance that helps establish the objectives of FEMA concerning preparedness and disaster recovery, sets the bounds and guardrails of its programs, and establishes the legal authority and process for the Federal government to aid States and Tribes during major disasters and emergencies.
How to Conduct a Community Risk Assessment
A Community Risk Assessment identifies and prioritizes local risks, followed by the strategic investment of resources to reduce their occurrence and impact. Its primary purpose is to provide data to better inform local decisions on the planning and implementing risk reduction measures.
Creating a Disaster Recovery Plan
Disaster Recovery Plans (sometimes called Pre-Disaster Recovery Plans) outline how the community will recover after a disaster.
Reducing Displacement After a Disaster
Displacement after a disaster is possible for many individuals and households, especially after devastating events with lots of damage. However, displacement disproportionately impacts frontline communities.
Funding Sources for States, Tribes, and Local Jurisdictions
Various funding sources at the state and federal level offer various forms of disaster assistance for States, Tribes, local jurisdictions, and non-profit organizations.
Philanthropy Funding Overview
There is always an outstanding need for assistance, especially in frontline communities. Charity, philanthropy, and mutual aid play a big role in filling in the gaps.
The People's Plan for Equitable Development in South Los Angeles
The United Neighbors in Defense Against Displacement (UNIDAD) coalition is a community collaboration formed to prevent the displacement of residents in South Central Los Angeles and improve the health and economic well-being of low-income communities of color through responsible development. The final recommendations are called “The People's Plan for Equitable Development in South Los Angeles.