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Community Highlights

Power Forward Communities, a coalition Enterprise co-leads with some of the country’s most trusted community development, climate, and housing organizations, is purpose-built to decarbonize America’s homes and drive a market transformation that cuts costs, benefits renters and homeowners, and specifically focuses on low-income communities nationwide.

Enterprise in the News
The Baltimore Banner talks with Janine Lind, president of Enterprise’s community development division, about the work this donation will support.
Enterprise in the News
In this New York Times article, our CEO and President Shaun Donovan talks about the depth of the housing affordability crisis.
Enterprise Community Partners, Inc. (Enterprise) has initiated a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) process to qualify firms and consultants to provide affordable housing organizational and portfolio sustainability technical assistance and training.
Enterprise Community Partners (Enterprise), one of the nation’s largest affordable housing organizations, today announced that former Volkswagen Bank Mexico CEO and Managing Director David Rands will serve as its next chief financial officer.

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