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Keep Safe Miami is a new program to help affordable housing owners and operators protect their buildings and residents from climate change and natural disasters.  
Enterprise in the News
Housing Priorities Coalition's advocacy is compounded with thousands of comments from stakeholders who share our values on housing affordability and racial equity. Thi reviewed, edited, improved, and refined.
Bipartisan roadmap highlights solutions the Biden-Harris Administration and 117th Congress can take to address America’s affordable housing challenges
Edwards will oversee the strategic direction and operational management of the information technology backbone for Enterprise, as well as the optimization of Enterprise’s business operations platforms, back-office solutions and core technology infrastructure.
Ten municipalities and counties in its New York State Anti-Displacement Learning Network will begin implementing their customized strategies to address community displacement. These cities and counties taking part are Broome County, City of Buffalo, City of Elmira, City of Hudson, City of Ithaca, City of Kingston, City of Newburgh, City of Rochester, City of Syracuse, and New York City.
Enterprise, in partnership with the New York State Attorney General, announced that the ten municipalities and counties in its New York State Anti-Displacement Learning Network will begin implementing their customized strategies to address community displacement.
Enterprise's first investment through Equitable Path Forward, a five-year, $3.5 billion nationwide initiative to help dismantle the deeply rooted legacy of racism in housing. The $1 million investment in the Aequo Fund will provide capital to early-career BIPOC and other historically marginalized housing providers, helping to grow their portfolios and create affordable homes at the same time.
“There is much more work to be done, and the bipartisan leadership that led to the coronavirus relief and omnibus package is an important first step.”

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