RFP Opportunity
Enterprise seeks a consultant to inform the design of a technical assistance program to better connect organizations serving people coming out of the criminal j...
We convene cross-sector stakeholders, including local housing providers, community-based organizations, city and state agencies, businesses, and philanthropy organizations.
In facilitating workgroups and tailoring technical assistance, we develop and implement strategies that address regional challenges as well as systemic barriers in communities across the country.
We advance and support a stronger ecosystem at the intersection of housing and the criminal legal system by promoting greater access to the entire housing bundle among people with criminal legal histories.
Instead of promoting a particular housing model, our focus on expanding access to the full housing bundle works to ensure we are not just housing this population but also connecting them to opportunity.
Our practice-informed policy guidance leverages more than four decades worth of successful advocacy at all levels of government. Using learnings from across the country, we focus on policies designed to support people at risk of, and those with a history of, involvement with the criminal legal system.
Learn more about our federal policy priorities including fair housing.
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