Submit application and all required materials by 11:59pm Eastern on September 27 via SlideRoom

Last year, more than 2 million New Yorkers had a criminal record. Meanwhile, 53 percent of landlords in NYC would not even allow an applicant with a prior conviction to view a property. In a high-cost city and competitive housing market for New Yorkers of all backgrounds, an individual impacted by the criminal legal system is especially challenged as they have limited options to secure housing due to discrimination. The need for housing for this population is especially critical as formerly incarcerated people are almost 10 times more likely to be homeless, and experience recidivism. 

In New York City, there are a range of organizations that are committed to serving this population, including social service organizations, advocacy organizations, mentoring organizations, and more. However, few of those organizations directly provide housing targeted to this population due to organizational capacity constraints, limited funding opportunities, limited industry knowledge, limited connections with mission-driven potential development partners. Several organizations provide support services to help returning citizens successfully re-integrate into society, including obtaining housing; however, navigating the housing system, securing housing, and successfully staying housed remains a challenge in our supply-constrained environment.

Enterprise seeks a consultant to inform the design of a technical assistance program to better connect organizations serving people coming out of the criminal justice system with affordable housing infrastructure. The program will ultimately lead to an expanded supply of housing dedicated to helping people with a history of involvement in the criminal legal system to stabilize and rebuild their lives. 

Enterprise will implement the program at a later stage, and that is separate from the scope of services of this RFP. To inform the design of this program, the consultant will:

  1. Develop and lead 4 – 5 highly interactive training sessions on affordable housing operations and development specific to this population, and that will be targeted to social service and housing providers.
  2. Based on feedback obtained formally and informally, both during and after the sessions, provide recommendations that will be used by Enterprise to inform the design of a more robust training and technical assistance program that Enterprise will implement at a later stage. 

Notification Of Selection and Timeline 

  • RFP Open: 08/26/2024
  • RFP Informational Webinar: 09/05/2024
  • Submission Deadline: 09/27/2024
  • Award Notification: Early October
  • Period of Performance: October 2024 – July 2025

How to Apply