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Learn how to manage a budget and grant implementation timeline that makes funders confident in your ability to execute your project.
Technical Assistance Preservation Equity Northern California Southern California Tribal Nations Preservation & Production Racial Equity
Enterprise is hosting a public hearing on May 14th and a comment period as part of an application for funding in response to HUD’s Notice of Funding Opportunity, Preservation and Reinvestment Initiative for Community Enhancement (PRICE) Competition.
Preservation Equity New York Partner Sustainability and Growth Partner Sustainability   Preservation & Production Preservation
The Southland Social is the premier Gala supporting Enterprise Southern California’s affordable housing production and preservation efforts.
Southern California
In this Southeast Preservation Academy session, The Academy will provide participants with tools needed to develop a preservation business plan and sustainable strategy for their organization and portfolio.
Southeast Preservation & Production Preservation
The Southeast Preservation Academy will provide an overview of how the policy landscape can impact the preservation of SMMF buildings and help provide stability for the residents who live in them, including key local, state, and national policies.
Southeast Preservation & Production Preservation
This Southeast Preservation Academy session will provide an overview of property management models that minimize operating costs, asset management to improve the long-term financial health of SMMF properties, and eviction prevention best practices that keep residents stably housed.
Southeast Preservation & Production Preservation
Learn what it takes to apply to HUD's Green and Resilient Retrofit Program from Enterprise Community Development, L+M Development, and The National Housing Trust (NHT).
Technical Assistance Development, Property Management & Resident Services Mid-Atlantic Green Communities
Join our Tribal Nations team at Enterprise to learn about upcoming grant opportunities and maximize your community impact in 2024.
Technical Assistance Tribal Nations Partner Sustainability  

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