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Enterprise Community Partners’ Mid-Atlantic Office seeks an experienced organization with strong real-estate analysis experience, affordable housing expertise, and knowledge of the Washington, DC region to complete a capital needs and nonprofit capacity analysis for the Purple Line corridor to answer these questions.
Policy  Mid-Atlantic Preservation & Production Racial Equity
Join us for demystifying the state funding resources available for your next development project.
Technical Assistance Preservation Equity Northern California Southern California Tribal Nations Preservation & Production Racial Equity
Join leaders from Enterprise, Housing Partnership Network, and RMI to learn about the Affordable Housing Decarbonization Hub.
Technical Assistance Resilience
The Southland Social is the premier Gala supporting Enterprise Southern California’s affordable housing production and preservation efforts.
Southern California
Our 2023 FBDI Annual Summit will look at how faith-based community development has continued to grow and evolve, particularly in response to the pandemic.
Mid-Atlantic Preservation & Production Faith-Based Development
The Southeast Preservation Academy will dive more deeply into potential preservation models, providing an overview of traditional rental models, joint ventures, shared equity, and community ownership models.
Southeast Preservation & Production Preservation
This Southeast Preservation Academy session will dive into considerations in Sustainability, Resilience and Health in the Georgia and South Florida context, including climate resilience and environmental factors.
Southeast Preservation & Production Preservation
Enterprise is looking to hire a consultant to help create a toolkit of strategies that housing providers can use to house and service people impacted by the criminal legal system.
Advisory Services and Technical Assistance Fair Housing Justice Involved Homes

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