At Enterprise, we believe that opportunity begins when people have a safe, healthy and affordable place to call home. As part of that work, our Rural and Native American Program team has developed regional rural housing preservation academies. These are a series of no-cost training and peer-learning sessions designed to help rural housing providers and nonprofits acquire and preserve USDA Rural Development, HUD 811 and 202, Low-Income Housing Tax Credit and other subsidized and affordable housing.
2021 Pacific Northwest Rural Rental Housing Preservation Academy
Drawing more than 200 participants, the Pacific Northwest Rural Rental Housing Preservation Academy was made possible thanks to our sponsors: JPMorgan Chase, Fannie Mae, Oregon Housing & Community Services and the Collins Foundation.
Session 1: Rural Rental Housing Preservation in the Pacific Northwest
Presentation slides: Housing Trust Fund Building and Preserving Housing in Rural Areas
Session 2: 515 Overview - USDA RD Housing and the 515 Transfer Process
Presentation slides: USDA Rural Multi-Family Housing Preservation
Session 3: Strategies for Preservation
Presentation slides: Rural Housing Preservation Case Studies
Session 4: Federal and State Housing Finance - Beyond RD
Presentation slides: Preservation of HUD-Assisted Housing and Affordable Housing Preservation with HOME Funding
Session 5: Funding the Gaps - Private Debt, Section 538 and alternative sources
Presentation slides: Non-Traditional Financing Tools for Preservation and Rehabilitation
Session 6: Capital Needs Assessment, Architects and Scope of Work
Presentation slides: Capital Needs Assessment, Architects and Scope of Work
Session 7: Property Management, Disaster Preparedness and Resiliency
Presentation slides: Property Management, Disaster Preparation and Resiliency
Session 8: Community Engagement
Presentation slides: Healing-Centered Community Development
Session 9: Local and State Policy
Presentation Slides: Local and State Policy
Session 10: Understanding Rural Preservation
Presentation Slides: What are the Data Telling Us? Trends in USDA's Section 515 Portfolio

- Training