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At Enterprise, our mission has compelled us to carry on during these extraordinary times, and we know that people and communities need our support now more than ever.
The Colorado Rural Rental Housing Preservation Academy is series of trainings and conversations designed to help rural housing providers acquire and/or preserve USDA Rural Development, HUD, LIHTC, and other affordable rental housing in rural Colorado.
Technical Assistance
Construction and Development 
Resident Services
Cities are not homogeneous by race and ethnicity, however, with some neighborhoods still majority non-Hispanic white. Nor are changes within these neighborhoods consistent; for example, those that have experienced gentrification – or the in-migration of higher-income households into traditionally low-income communities – likely have different patterns of racial change than non-gentrified neighborhoods, given inequalities in income distributions across households by race and ethnicity.
Lessons learned from recent efforts in three Bay Area jurisdictions to distill best practices for designing and implementing local acquisition-rehab preservation programs. It includes case studies that illustrate the impacts acquisition-rehab efforts have had on communities, profiles of recent financing initiatives aimed at supporting this work, and an analysis of development costs for a sample of properties recently acquired by nonprofit stewards.