Enterprise Advisors, the technical assistance team at Enterprise Community Partners, has posted a request for qualifications (RFQ) to solicit qualified firms and consultants to provide technical assistance under a HUD Community Compass Technical Assistance (CCTA) award to Indian housing authorities/tribes/tribally designated housing entities utilizing American Rescue Plan Award (ARP) grants from the HUD Office of Native American Program (ONAP).
Enterprise Advisors is a mission-based consultancy department within Enterprise focused on delivering capacity building and technical assistance in partnership with federal agencies, local governments, public housing authorities, nonprofit organizations, philanthropies and others. We work with partners to improve the capacity, outcomes and impacts of community development and housing programs and organizations nationwide so that all people have a place to live, grow and thrive. We seek to advance racial equity and dismantle the enduring legacy of systemic racism in housing both through and within the work we do.
Enterprise Advisors is looking to complement the experience of staff and draw from key local and national expertise in the implementation of native American programming related to American Rescue Plan awards. This CCTA is designed to provide TA and capacity-building initiatives to equip tribal grantees with the knowledge, skills, tools and systems to implement ARP. Advisors is looking to identify qualified firms and consultants with CCTA project management experience in assisting in leading TA workplans. Advisors is also looking for ONAP subject-matter experts with the following experience and qualifications:
- Tribal community needs assessments
- Setting long-term goals and short-term objectives for TA plans based on tribal priorities
- Experience working with ONAP and tribal community programming, specifically with Eastern Woodlands ONAP and/or Southwest ONAP regions (experience working with tribal communities required)
- Experience working with ARP awards, specifically related to Indian Community Development Block Grant (ICDBG) and Indian Housing Block Grant (IHBG) programs (preferred)
To view the RFQ, please click here. Please specify Community Compass qualification on RFQ submission.
If you have any questions, please contact Orlando Velez (director, Enterprise Advisors HUD grantee and local partners).