Bill Beckmann
Bill Beckmann is chief financial officer of Enterprise Community Partners.
Prior to joining as CFO, Bill spent over a decade on the Boards of Enterprise Community Partners, Investments and Loan Fund, including time on the Finance, Risk and Executive committees. His professional experience includes acting as Senior Advisor to the HUD Deputy Secretary regarding housing policy during the COVID-19 pandemic and providing market intelligence on the single-family housing and mortgage markets to senior HUD leadership. Prior to this Bill was CEO of MERSCORP Holdings, Inc. (“MERS”), the industry utility serving as mortgagee and digital registry for 80% of residential mortgages. He was also a board chair at MISMO, the mortgage industry standard setting organization.
Earlier, Bill was CEO of CitiMortgage and CEO and Chair of the NYSE-traded Student Loan Corporation, the nation’s 3rd largest student loan lender and servicer at the time. Bill also held finance and management roles at IBM, Quotron Systems, CitiCards and European American Bank. Bill attended the Stanford Business School and Brown University, is married with two grown children, and currently resides in St. Louis.